Planning and policymaking within various social, economic, and political spheres depend mainly on reliable and accurate studies, statistical data and meaningful information.

Unfortunately, the lack of a sufficient body of knowledge about individuals with disabilities in the Palestinian Territories led to an information gap in this field up until the late 1980’s. This gap stood in the way of decision and policy makers for years. It has prevented them from making the necessary decisions and taking the necessary steps to advance the causes of individuals with disabilities within the broader Palestinian society.

The Laurice Khoury Foundation seeks to educate the public about the plight of the Palestinians with disabilities living in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. The following body of research sheds light on the development and progress that has been made thus far in the area of disability in Palestine.

Resource Link
Comparison of the 1999 Palestinian Disability Law and the Draft 2019 Palestinian Disability Law Link
Disability in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (West Bank and Gaza) Analysis Report Link
The double burden of COVID-19 and Israeli military rule on persons with disabilities in the West Bank of the occupied Palestinian territory Link
Education in The Palestinian Territories Link
Disability among Palestinian elderly in the occupied Palestinian territory Link
دمج المعاقين حركيا في المجتمع المحلي بيئيا واجتماعيا )دراسة حالة في محافظة نابلس) Link
Statistics on Education Link
List of Palestinian Universities Link
Qader – Palestinian Disability Coalition Link
2021 Multisectoral Needs Assessment – United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs – occupied Palestinian Territories Link

2022 Multisectoral Needs Assessment – United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs – occupied Palestinian Territories

Battir Community Profile Link
Center for Development Studies Concludes Project on Empowering Those with Disabilities – Birzeit University Link
Disability-in-oPt-Analysis-of-2017-PCBS-2017-Census-Results Link
 Every child counts: understanding the needs and perspectives of children with disabilities in the State of Palestine Link
World Bank: Disability in the Palestinian Territories Link
اتجاهات معلمي ومعلمات العلوم نحو دمج طلبة المرحلة الأساسية من ذوي الأحتياجات الخاصة بمدارس جنين الحكومية – أطروحة ماجستير Link
القواعد الفقهية لطهارة ذوي الأحتياجات الخاصة – أطروحة ماجستير Link
المشكلات التي تواجهها زوجات المعاقين في محافظة طولكرم – أطروحة ماجستير Link
تأثير أداء مؤسسات تأهيل المعاقين في جنوب الضفة الغربية على الكفاءة الخارجية لبرامج التأهيل من وجه نظر العاملين فيها – أطروحة Link